Monday, September 18, 2017

Individual/Dual Sports and Games Learning Experience

‘‘Believe and things will happen even not if it was not in your plan.”

Knowing the fact that for this semester it is my third time to have a physical education or P.E subject, I am still grateful and honored to become one of the sheep for this block and on the list of Mr. Edwin Caballe’s flock. For me to have this subject is an opportunity after I passed and survived from the last two P.E subjects I’d attended this school, I learned a lot and still, I remember those learnings I had encountered even the application, is effective.

Although as I observed we have a small number of students in the class, still considered that the show must go on. For this semester I realized that all of the P.E classes are connected to each other and the reason why I am taking this course it means I was promoted and level-up to a higher place or position. Before the class gets started I ask few students who already taken this subject and I had found out that the class is more on swimming, other says it is a solo or individual sports, yes it is for that is the title of the subject. I told myself I will love this subject because I like working alone or on my own but that is not the essence of the subject, this course is for us student to develop skills and camaraderie. To exert effort and be innovative, it requires teamwork and leadership. Also, I learned that body coordination and exercise is essential for active daily living. 

On the first day of class, the activity is to create a team. Luckily my team members are Ms., Santillan, Ms. Ellarina, and Ms. Albarico. In the last minute of the submission of the name and yell, we decided to name the team as “Team Duck”. Like a mother duck, she would always go to lead his flock where there are good resources. That whatever happens this flock will not easily be destroyed but will stick together as a strong team. From this activity, it somehow develops our mind coordination and processes of brainstorming and it is a good point of view on how we circulate things together.

The next activity is an oral recitation, I am really confident to answer the question because I study and make some pointers that teacher will be going to ask, luckily during the said activity I am able to answer the question relating to this subject as a nurse. The third activity is playing chess and the fourth one is DAMA quite same board game but different in the rules and process of playing. Although I am not really good and familiar with these guidelines still I am able to play and win from my classmates. I am really surprised by the next activity it was titled a creative game it develops my cognitive skills and good reasoning. I named my game as “Recheck” for our instructor asked us to make a title by its original game. The board is originally titled CHECKER, What I did is as opposite rule from the original rules of playing the said game. For me nursing is an art and science, we should be always innovative and creative. We know how to adapt and change things effectively for our patients and that is what I had learned from this unit.

To be responsible and flexible in times of difficulty, that is what a true Paulininian stand. The next 2 activities are very resourceful and particular to health benefits of an activity and exercises. I am really proud that I’ve got a high score for the past seven activities. The next activity is badminton and I really like playing badminton it helped me stay fit and I learned more about this sport. Like how to serve properly, the part of receiving the ‘berdie” and emphasizing different strokes and strategies of how to play this game and to emphasize my emotion it was very awesome. It motivated me to be a badminton player again (that is back when I was in high school).

The next activity is very difficult as I imagine myself playing a table tennis. I never tried to play this kind of sport before. That is why I look for some alternatives on how to play this sport and what are the benefits to our body.  I took seriously on watching the VTR played by our instructor on how to play table tennis. The proper serving and strokes and how to officiate are one of the best experience I had. After an orientation on how to play this sport I turned into an adrenaline junkee, I am really excited how does it works and if I am able to play. Through constant practice and motivation, I surpassed the feelings of uneasiness. Although I’ve got mistaken how to serve and start the game, I am still grateful because, in the end, I am able to play and officiate this kind of sport.

The last activity is swimming, for me, this is the big event for this subject. The most awaited part like two weeks before swimming I buy already my swimming equipment and attire and have talked for a moment releasing negativity. In this activity, you must be honest by telling that you are a non-swimmer and a swimmer it is very risky. In this activity, I learned how to make body balance, coordinated to each other with your buddy. Through step by step process, I can say I learned and there is an improvement. On the second day, I learned that I am now a swimmer. I am able to swim to 6 feet ground and using the techniques in swimming though us non-swimmer we run out of time to perform the strokes.

To go to the great length, this subject is related and important for us nursing students it is how we work as a team and go through risky things. It allows us to be a successful leader and that marks the Paulinian identity. To never underestimate the power of dreams and the potential of the human spirit, the only thing that I could say is thanking you for the opportunity and chance to become a responsible student and a future nurse.

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