Thursday, February 27, 2014


       As it was in the beginning of existence is the creation of never was and the sin of our forth ancestors. By words and by blood, we are created as one. We signify one glory, one hope, one dream and one goal. Rule in one method, one condition and one motive for actions and beliefs persuaded by the faculty and foundation of law. A law called an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, confined within bounds and limits of liberty and independence. People by there are restricted and low in societal decision. Hard to ponder the past, but to overlook the point of their life scenario, it is very hard. But they survived. How? Because they were united, people were not ambitious. What they see and what they have as long as they’re living pleased and fortunate they’re contented. How pleasure if this will be back at this present days. The present and the past are alike. The only thing that had changed at this present day’s is we’re now modernized, hi-tech. More on using technological process, in short were dependent. Killing, stealing, lying, eating ones will, pride, legacy, and money it’s the reality that still exist nowadays. That jogs into the conclusion that people hadn’t changed instead it preceded to worst. Some were astray and only few remained the legacy that we must uphold.

      Going back 2012 as predicted by Mayan people that this year is the end of the world. But nothing happened, earth continued to revolt into its midst and people exhaled a deep thanks to God for saving each lives. But to tell you on my own opine and observation. The year 2012 is the prologue of earth’s end, where eventually people are summoned to change, repent, and pray.  Actually before 2012, September 9, 2010 a prophet named Sandhu Sundar Selveraj, predicted the destiny of Philippine. That there will be great calamities, killings, diseases and more that Filipino must repent and pray, for our salvation depends upon our repentance to our God Almighty. Great typhoon and earthquakes as predicted happened. And last December 2013 people struggled by typhoon Agaton, a great typhoon as announced by weather forecasters that this typhoon would probably wipe out Tagum City and its neighboring provinces. Great thanks it didn’t happened, lets backward a bit on 2012 the land of Comval Province, and Davao Oriental was victim of typhoon Pablo that kills more than a thousand of earthlings that until now the said area was still down and bankrupt. One the of the survivors we talk that they thought like it is the end of their lives, other says now they believe in God, as we talk to a one family they thought they would die on that day where the flood flow rush and destroyed their places, the worst matter there is they did not go to the evacuation site, they stay home knowing it is very dangerous to stay. After an hours of staying home the father decided to go to some safe place to hide, as they go out to their house they saw of some their neighbors was still there, so the father asked his neighbors to go to some safe place to hide. Some joined them, and some did not. After an hour they left their houses, they felt an avalanche of fast coming flood from their back. So the both family run fast, they saw their chapel was open and the flood is coming through them. They go inside the chapel and a miracle happened there. To describe the chapel it is not as that big, it has concrete walls and outside there was a pillars and an arc that represent as the gate of the chapel. As the flood hit trees and the wind blows the small chapel, the pillar and the arc covers the entrance door of the chapel where the three families are hiding, the body of the chapel knock into pieces but the pillars and arc that covers the three families remain. It saves their lives, they stay there until they flood stop. Going back to the evacuation site to describe it was in the middle of the said area, that people thought it was the only safe place to stay but the flood overflows there and kills hundred of earthlings. 

   The expected safe place was a place where hundredth of earthlings died a final destination. As what God stated in the bible Gen 18:23-33, Then Abraham approached him and said: “Will you sweep away the righteous with the wicked? What if there are fifty righteous people in the city? Will you really sweep it away and not spare the place for the sake of the fifty righteous people in it?... The LORD said, “If I find fifty righteous people in the city of Sodom, I will spare the whole place for their sake.”.. Then Abraham spoke up again…. What if the number of righteous is five less than fifty? Will you destroy the whole city because of five people?” “If I find forty-five there,” he said, “ I will not destroy it.” Once again he spoke to him, “What if only forty are found there?” He said, “for the sake of forty I will not do it.” Then he said, “May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak. What if only thirty can be found there?” He answered, “I will not do it if I find thirty there.”…. 

   Therefore our prophecy to die in such event like fire, calamities and some phenomenon wasn’t like and planned, of our Lord on the way how we end up our lives. It is us who decides our death we fear of. Why do some people doesn’t want or like to die? It is our way to be back in the hands of our LORD God. Let us not all weep for ones death. Let us accept the fact that it is their time to rest, their mission here in the living world is completely done.
  Our words and actions have always reflects to some sequence events, that results to a bad or a good outcome. That is why we must think and have more time in pondering such things if it is necessary or even urgent because the further outcome is always the final result of everything we do. As years go by and years got aged the earth exhales like it is already exhausted, also our ozone layer is too thin. But if we pray and do the right things to do we will be save. Let us all repent for our salvation. 

  And lately the said predicted places somewhere in part of Leyte and Samar hit by typhoon Yolanda that wiped out the whole city, municipality and its barangays. The said affected location was devastated by typhoon Yolanda and now it is almost four months from the tragedy happened last November 8, 2013. Dead city as described, lot of people and foreign countries are asking if this city could be back again on its original phase. As it was totally destroyed and almost millions of people died on that day, Samar and Leyte is the predicted places to be drown and disappear. Until now the said places has still corpse inside houses, vehicles, stores, and some places covered by huge trees, buildings and heavy structures. 

  The quests we always solved and experienced daily, provide and lead us to become strong, brave, faithful and awake from the reality of some rumors that happened. That developed our psychological, spiritual and emotional aspect that a real steward must have. Carrying our Cross in our daily living put us on the junction of sacrificing and learning to manifest our duty as human being in the world of living. Were always blessed and guided if we apply and do our tasks from heaven, let us redo the Ten Commandments of God, because by of this we will be having a chance to save each living. We are the temple of our soul. Let us all wake up from the reality Filipino’s let us all REPENT and PRAY. 

 There will be no apocalypse if we’re all good and patriotic steward.  Wake up Filipino’s Wake up.

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