Saturday, February 22, 2014


       The current governance of Philippine could be define as –fiasco. Ridiculously failure for those who works and make justice for the progress of their own country, are the one who disobeys the justice they made.  President Benigno Simeon Cojuangco Aquino III and his supremacy here in the Philippine are very effective. That he first cultivate his resources inside Malacañang Palace. That made some controversy buoy and some wise people quit, because they already knew it that time will come and all of their corrupt doings will prevail, they were those who are afraid to be sent to jail. And those who remain are those who protect their pride, personality and legacy, some people who were trapped by their own mess. With the help of the Presidents alliance like the head of the Department of Justice, they trace one-by-one the assets of individual inside Malacañang Palace that lead to some Government and Non-Government Organization which suspects that there were people behind this all corruption who manipulates, stealing the money of the Philippine. Those are the people with no stolid conscience, for the money that they’d stolen is 50% from the farmers who are hard working during activities in the days of fields.
         Philippine is distinctively part of Rome where Holy Christianity from the Vatican City, rule over 70% of the country. And most of the people were baptized as Christians. Were people inside Malacañang Palace are much powerful? Why do they’re not afraid from being sinned? With this all we can say the head of the rumor in Philippine is inside Malacañang Palace that is why those soldiers form the mountains are so mad from the government. Because those who made some administration of law are those who don’t carry out or perform the right decision they made.
      ‘Let’s put senators, governors and councilors out from the government’, that’s what my uncle said last night. ‘Why don’t we only have; of course one President, one Mayor, one Congressman and Chairman for the Barangay’s?’ This word’s are just a sort of complement of my uncle, but it sooth my mind that it has or he has a point, for me it’s a good point of view for effective and dominant governance. They could be restricted and monitored so that they will never get a chance to steal and corrupt anymore. But this will take another process and another decade’s before to proclaim. Why do we need to have a lot of con-senators? We’re just wasting our money, for their huge salary. Remember lots of people specially those affected by some calamities are hungry, no job, no money, hopeless, sick, and are dying. Let us face the reality for the emulation of our country. It is right and just what President Benigno Simeon Cojuangco Aquino III did.
         It is really more fun in the Philippines full of controversy and stomach-stirred issues. May the true justice, prevail. And the sinned will go under probation or instead go to jail directly. So to those who felt guilt it is better to stop and tell the reality so that our Mother Land will no longer be mad and cast her disasters prepared to us. 

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