Monday, December 18, 2017

"Born In The Trough"

Long lived the King!

Long been trailed by huntsman and ferreter,

A long journey that is already written and will never fade or die.

Breakthroughs after breakthrough, the prophecy will come true.

To others, it may come as strong omen,

While other’s thought of a curse coming into their lands.

Us who believe of his coming are in tears of joy.

Huzzah, the sound of love and mercy.

Don’t they know, when the doom will came

A light will shine in this land,

Water will cleanse its stains,

Fire will sterilize infirmity,

And the wind will heal those who are sick.

In the womb of his mother;

He is protected and covered by the cloak of love and purity.

The chosen one? No! He is sent from the neverwas to

Just to kiss our foot for our salvation.

The life of this man is hard as the rock from the mount sienna

And have most indecent natal day in the world history.

The world becomes beautiful when he was born in the trough.

The camels and the three kings, singing silently inside the barn.

When the cry of the baby was heard inside the trough.

The star becomes gold,

The sky becomes blue and

The water flows brilliantly like a shining diamonds.

Long lived the King!

Long been died in his human form,

But His Spirit stays in our heart.

We are the temples of our souls,

Dream that you were once born in the trough.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

"Donate Blood Save’s A Life"

Paulinian with a happy heart being able to help, donated their blood successfully.In part with the celebration of the Nurse’s Week, the College of Health and Sciences hold a whole day bloodletting activity held at the SPUS main campus clinic. The said activity was led by the CHS Faculty as well as the nursing students, coordinated with Caraga Regional Hospital for the bags of blood donated proceeds to CRH blood bank, also the procedure and operation of bloodletting activity is operated by the medical employees of that said guarantor. Paulinians who’d donated blood undergo first mini physical test prior to donation. The temperature will be checked along with the blood pressure, pulse, and hemoglobin if it is capable to donate blood. After all of these procedures, Paulinian again “marked difference” for donating blood not only helped in need people but saves a life.

Did you know that you burn about 650 calories when you donate a blood. Bloodletting is related to iron since our body need iron for a whole host of metabolic processes. Its primary function is to help carry oxygen from our lungs through the bloodstream and release it to the body where needed. It also helps enzymes in the body to detoxify poisons and convert sugars into energy but when you donate blood, you’re reducing the amount of iron in your body but don’t feel worried for the iron in the body will grow and survive.

It is really important to donate blood because blood cannot be manufacture by any company, the only way to supply this need is via generous blood donors. It helps balance Iron levels in your blood and appear to live longer. Repeated blood donations may help your blood to flow better, possibly helping to limit damage to the lining of your blood vessels, which should result in fewer arterial blockages. What is clear is that blood donors seem to not be hospitalized so often and if they are, they have shorter lengths to stay. Less likely to get heart attacks, strokes, and even cancers.

To sum up with the bloodletting program not only gathers blood donations but also promotes the health consciousness and lifestyle of every Paulinain as a responsible and different one.

“One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.”

Communication is a reservoir of understanding and learnings. A method of expressing ones thought, a transmission to reach another person through a receptive portal of entry (Auditory) and exits (Buccal). Though different culture and places speak different dialects, still we are able to communicate and show that we are one as united.

As we know speaking in public involves preparing, thinking, and acting confidently, also it needs attentive comprehension using one's language. A little bit of practice and a confident outlook can help you out to be a fantastic and effective public speaker.

How to improve ones’ public speaking skills? Here are the three essential methods.

First, do research about your listener’s interest and level of communication before engaging in any form of public speaking. Learning about your audiences can help you try to be able to answer their disputes and concerns regarding age, gender, education, religion, companionship and by that way you can easily verify what’s happening if you are an effective speaker.

Second, alter your horizons. You can see the chance to speak such compliments but always construct what you will be going to utter in an affirmative way. Always be careful with your words and hook the attention of your listeners so they will take heed attentively.

And lastly always remember that we learn more when we are having fun. You have the choice to break out silence and shine like a diamond, stay calm and smile confidently

"Life Made Gray"

I feel that life is a gift that I don’t deserve

while there are abundant beauty and infinite wonders.

It’s a like a painting you can stare at for hours,

once done makes unending embarks.

At least, certainly it seems to be that way

yet it creates the pain day by day.

But it exists in the realm, of its own true perdition,

when pacing of the parasites begins to swell

Why did heart’s blood flow, and no seers cried,

to a man who was beaten, and his humanity denied

That the innocence of her eyes that appeared wild

her soul took form and revealed her a child

Stop! Why do you have to say go when it was no?

They’re just images acted as the friend yet lived as foes.

Life suffers only in silence yet demands to be heard

it will never survive without its bevy of words.

“We believe that health and well-being of mind, body and spirit is a fundamental human right.”


2017 College of Health and Sciences is taking steps that will have an effect on the health and well-being of all who reside within the borders of St. Paul University Surigao, and of all Paulinian.  At this moment in history, we call upon nursing and psychology students to stand together, act to resist that which harms health and well-being, protect those who are harmed and provide a harmonious relationship that moves toward the ideals we seek.  We stand on a long legacy to actively promote health awareness to assure social/health equity. Our actions are grounded in the premise that health and well-being depend on healthy environments and just communities.

Students from College of Health and Sciences pledged to join with others to engage in determined action to protect the health and embracing all aspects of conscious and unconscious experiences, regardless of age, social/economic circumstance, religion, skin color, race, sexual orientation or gender identity.

As future nurses and psychologist, we are committed to providing care for all people – care that promotes and supports high-level wellness, prevention and treatment of injury, disease, behavior consciousness that may change the way you understand yourself and restoration of health when it is compromised.

Inspite of the fact that some progress has been obtaining and succeed in the field of health and nursing nowadays, there are still many people who do not put to practical use the services of nurses in times of their infirmity; and in order to fully develop consciousness and understanding among our people on the importance and availability of nursing resources in the country, it is essential that a period be set aside for the observance of the nursing profession; and so the nursing students of St. Paul University Surigao celebrates the nurse’s week from October 23-29, 2017.

Last October 23rd the celebration opened the nurse’s week by a ribbon cutting, go beyond the nurse’s EXPO that broadens and gave highlight information’s for all those Paulinians who’d joined that said event, held in front of the Administrative Office. On the second day a contest of an essay writing, painting, poster making and quizbowlevard happened, which was participated by each department concluded its completion as very accurate that satisfies the proficiency of those participating students. At night of the last day of the celebration at SPUS main gymnasium, a solidarity night was produced by the college and health sciences. The said momentous event was so electrifying sorted by the full package showcasing the talents of nursing and psychology students.

The Solidarity Night was an event to unify the Nursing and psychology students and the highlight of this event was to polish the feeling of togetherness united as one community and family that marked difference as a Paulinian Identity.

Also, a whole day bloodletting activity happened and was held at the SPUS main campus clinic. The bloodletting program not only gathers blood donations but also promotes the health consciousness and lifestyle of every Paulinian with a happy heart being able to help save lives through their donated blood.

The success of the celebration of the nurse’s week distinguished an important role of nurses play in health care emphasizes how important nurses are in our lives — at every age, in all health situations, recognizes the profession for their dedication and commitment to make St. Paul University Surigao a healthier institution

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

What is sports and why engage in sport?

What is Sports?

    An activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.

   “Incorporated into the definition of ‘sport’ are all forms of physical activity that contribute to physical fitness, mental well-being, and social interaction. These include play; recreation; organized, casual or competitive sport; and indigenous sports or games.” 

Why engage in sports?

Physiological effects and health benefits of sports and games.

1.      Exercise, physical activity, and sport have long been used in the treatment and rehabilitation of communicable and non-communicable diseases.

2.     Physical activity for individuals is a strong means for the prevention of diseases and for nations is a cost-effective method to improve public health across populations.

3.     Improved Blood Circulation

Blood circulation get's better when you start playing sports. The body remains well oxygenated. Thus, it remains more healthy and active. Apart from blood circulation, being physically active can also increase the amount of hemoglobin and the volume of blood.

4.     Stronger Immunity

Regularly indulging in exercise and sports makes the body immune to many diseases that usually affect a person due to weak immunity. When a person exercises, the rate at which white blood cells reach every body part increases significantly. Playing sports increases sweat production and also removes toxins. Due to the rise in body temperature, the chances of bacterial growth also lessen.

5.     Muscle Toning

Sports are actually the best form of working out for muscles. Toned muscles are always desirable and that’s what you get when you play sports. The endurance of muscles also increases with time and this helps you in gaining a stronger body. Both inner and outer muscles get toned up when one plays any sport. For example, running involves working out both the inner and outer thigh muscles.

6.     Stronger Bones

Playing sports is beneficial in strengthening not only the muscles but also the bones in your body. Bones get their strength from bone density and aging decreases bone density, which can result in osteoporosis. Taking up sports is perhaps one of the easiest ways to maintain bone density and strength for people of all ages.

7.     Positive Attitude

Sports can bring a positive attitude to your life if played in a healthy manner. It refreshes the mind and helps in developing a positive and fresh outlook towards life.

8.     Lower Cholesterol Levels

Sports also help in maintaining lower levels of bad cholesterol. Some experiments showed that compared to athletes, bad cholesterol levels in sedentary people were much higher, while good cholesterol levels were significantly higher in athletes.

9.     Healthy Heart

Playing sports helps with stretching ability. The heart benefits the most from playing sports and there are fewer chances of malfunctioning of your heart. Playing sports help the heart in pumping more blood as it is a type of workout for the body.

10.  Control Diabetes

Playing sports helps the insulin to perform in a better manner. This helps diabetic people to make most of the insulin present in their body. Also, physical activity helps in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. It can also help in weight management since it burns excess calories.

11.  Weight Management

Obesity is a big issue faced by millions of people across the world. This issue can be dealt by indulging in loads of sports or similar physical activities. Fat gets burnt and calories are shed through rigorous physical activity involved in sports. People who regularly play sports are naturally leaner and fitter.

12.  Lower Hypertension

Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, may result in a stroke or heart disease. This makes the control of hypertension absolutely necessary. Hypertension can be prevented by being physically active or by.

13.  It improves energy levels

Regular exercise often makes people feel more energetic, allows them to be more active, and reduces the likelihood that they'll tire during the day.

14.   It enhances emotional well-being.

 Most people report that they feel calm and have a sense of well-being after they exercise. Exercise, according to one theory, releases beta-endorphin, a natural substance in the body that is hundreds of times more potent than morphine. 

15.   It helps prevent cancer.

People who exercise regularly have lower incidences of cancer. The cancers most affected include colon, prostate, uterine, and breast cancers.

16.  It helps keep arteries and veins clear. 

Exercise reduces the amount of harmful cholesterol and fats in a person's blood. It increases the flexibility of the walls of blood vessels and helps to lower blood pressure. This can reduce a person's risk of heart attack and stroke.

17.  It strengthens the lungs. 

Working hard increases lung capacity and their efficiency in moving air in and out of the body. As a result, more oxygen is drawn into the body and more carbon dioxide and other waste gases are expelled. Regular exercise helps prevent the decline in oxygen intake that occurs naturally with age or as a result of inactivity.

18.  Enhance the Immune System

Being active is great for the body in helping to enhance one’s immune system.  As a report from Aging Home Health Care states, “Physical activity can help prevent or maintain control in some chronic illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes arthritis, and even some types of cancer.” Physical activity done over a consistent period can also help in improve the overall quality of life and assist in longevity. Examples: Exercising, playing games, horseshoes, golf, bike riding, or basketball. (All sports can be altered for different levels of physical function abilities)

19.  Improve Flexibility

Moving can assist in stretching muscles and in turn improve flexibility. Try doing some active hobbies such as these to get moving. Examples:  Wii Games, walking, Yoga, stretching, swimming, painting, Tai Chi or dancing.

20.  Improve Memory

Many hobbies will challenge your mental abilities and enhance your problem-solving skills. Most hobbies also offer mental stimulation in reference to completing the task. Examples: Word searches, Crossword Puzzles, Brain games, Soduko, or Card games.

21.  Reduce stress

Most people pursue hobbies because they enjoy them, and many things that we enjoy doing help relieve stress in our lives. Some of these ideas may also help create a calm atmosphere to reduce stress. Examples: Cooking or baking, gardening, taking a walk, singing, reading, or playing a musical instrument.

22.  Improve self-esteem

Some hobbies even involve other people which can create social opportunities and improve self-esteem! Examples: Card games, board games, shopping, knitting, or scrapbooking.

23.  Better Quality Sleep

Being more active during the day helps create a more restful night’s sleep. Just be sure to do more active hobbies earlier in the day so you can be sure to have enough time to wind down before bed.

24.  Sports improve your mood

Whether you are playing sports, working out at a gym, or taking a brisk walk, physical activity triggers brain chemicals that make you feel happier and more relaxed. Team sports, in particular, provide a chance to unwind and engage in a satisfying challenge that improves your fitness.

25.  Sports improve your concentration

Regular physical activity helps keep your key mental skills sharp as you age. This includes critical thinking, learning, and using good judgment. Research has shown that doing a mix of aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities is especially helpful. Participating in this kind of activity three to five times a week for at least 30 minutes can provide these mental health benefits.

26.   Sports reduce stress and depression

When you are physically active, your mind is distracted from daily stressors. This can help you avoid getting bogged down by negative thoughts. Exercise reduces the levels of stress hormones in your body. At the same time, it stimulates the production of endorphins. These are natural mood lifters that can keep stress and depression at bay.

27.   Sports improve sleep habits

Sports and other forms of physical activity improve the quality of sleep. They do this by helping you fall asleep faster and deepening your sleep. Sleeping better can improve your mental outlook the next day, as well as improve your mood.

28.  Sports boost your self-confidence

Sports provide you with a sense of mastery and control, which often leads to a feeling of pride and self-confidence.The regular exercise that comes with playing sports can boost your confidence and improve your self-esteem.

29.   Sports have been linked to leadership traits

Team sports such as soccer, baseball, and basketball are breeding grounds for leadership traits. Studies done in high schools reveal a correlation between sports participation and leadership qualities.

30.  There Is the Ability to Overcome Dyslexia

The benefit of games is that they force you to concentrate for long periods of time. Chances are you won’t even realize that you’re concentrating for these long periods of time.

31.  Your Vision May Improve

You’re forced to look for details and distinguish between different shades of the same color. This ability becomes useful in the real world, as you will find it easier to distinguish between colors while playing. You’ll notice smaller details.

32.  There Are Creativity Benefits

Creativity does lead to health benefits, either sports and games certainly develop creativity.

33.  Improve the Memory and Other Cognitive Abilities

We hear all the time about how we need to keep our brains working to keep the function at the highest level. Examples are crosswords and Sudoku puzzles, there’s no denying that these games may be able to help. Just think about the amount that your brain must do while you’re playing the games.

34.  Take Your Attention Off the Pain You Feel

The benefit is while you’re playing the video games, you’re taking your mind off the pain that you feel. Your focus is on the game—something that you’re enjoying. You’ll forget the pain that was there.

35.  Gamers Are Better Surgeons

When you play games, your hands are always working. You must look at the details on the screen, make quick decisions, and keep the stress levels down. You must work within small spaces while controlling the accuracy on your targets.

36.  Playing badminton promotes the activity of the bone forming cells and help in the

assimilation of calcium in the bone matrix, thereby strengthening it.

37.  Additional health benefit of playing sports is reduced incidence of cancers like cancer of

the large bowel and cancer of breast.

38.  Playing sports and games keeps you: feeling well,

39.  Strong, motivated,

40.  Enthusiastic and young.

41.  It helps to ward off depression, anxiety, stress and increase self-esteem.

42.  It also helps in enjoying a better sleep in the night, thereby minimizing the incidence of pre-existing illnesses getting aggravated due to lack of sleep.

43.  Helpful in hypertensive individuals. 

It may help them to ward off their hypertension without medicines and even if they are needed, only fewer amounts are required.

44.  Increases the levels of HDL good cholesterol while decreasing the levels of bad cholesterols.

As bad cholesterols decrease the size of blood vessels promoting heart attacks and strokes, reduction in their levels translates into multiple health benefits for the individual.

45.  Improved Quality of Life

Studies have demonstrated a clear benefit in senior citizens who played sports in their teenage years. A 2013 study published by BMC Public Health re-examined World War II veterans 50 years after initial testing. Those who had played varsity high school sports reported having fewer doctor visits per year.

46.  Improve social life:

Finding companionship through bowling leagues and teams can ease loneliness in the elderly and others who live alone, reducing stress and depression. Social relationships around shared interests can increase longevity.

47.  Hand-eye coordination

Throwing the bowling ball and hitting the pins requires a great amount of hand-eye coordination. This kind of focus stimulates mental alertness, concentration, and tactical strategy.

48.  Improves endurance

Having an increased endurance allows athletes to reach their full potential in sports but most importantly, will keep their heart healthy.

49.  Improved joint flexibility and range of motion. Improved flexibility reduces the risk of injury.

50.  Enhanced aerobic fitness

Participating in aerobic activities — such as running, cycling, or swimming — can improve your body’s ability to transport and utilize oxygen in the lungs and blood