Monday, May 3, 2021

Dream of Knives” by Alfred A. Yuson


Last night I dreamt of a knife

I had bought for my son. Of rare design.

It went cheaply for its worth—short dagger

with fancily rounded pommel, and a wooden sheath

which miraculously revealed other miniature blades.


Oh how pleased he would be upon my return

from this journey, I thought. What rapture

will surely adorn his ten-year princeling’s  face

when he draws the gift the first time. What quivering

pleasure will most certainly be unleashed.

 When I woke, there was no return, no journey,

no gift and no son beside me. Where do I search

for this knife then, and when do I begin to draw

happiness from reality, and why do I bleed so

from such sharp points of dreams?

Holy Sonnets: Death, be not proud By John Donne


Death, be not proud, though some have called thee

Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so;

For those whom thou think'st thou dost overthrow

Die not, poor Death, nor yet canst thou kill me.

From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be,

Much pleasure; then from thee much more must flow,

And soonest our best men with thee do go,

Rest of their bones, and soul's delivery.

Thou art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men,

And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell,

And poppy or charms can make us sleep as well

And better than thy stroke; why swell'st thou then?

One short sleep past, we wake eternally

And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die.

Problem Is By Conchitina R. Cruz

 They say poor Filipinos multiply

like rabbits since they have nothing
to do but fuck. Living in houses with room

only for the inevitable brush
of the hand against the buttock in between
chores, on the way to switch

channels to the daily noontime show,
no money and little space
lead to nowhere

but to coupling. We used to joke
and call our selves typical Filipinos,
broke and empty-handed,

when all we did was touch, and for all
the movies we missed, fancy dinners
we didn’t have, books we borrowed

but never owned,
we compensated
by making love.

You told me not to worry,
that someday the worst
would end, just a couple of right

moves and it would be over.
Should I have told you then
we’d never been better,

should I have told you then
to hold your tongue, but we had
no room for such words.

We were rabbits,
Seeking the other side, bent on
Crossing the pasture.

Lament for the Littlest Fellow By Edith L. Tiempo

The littlest fellow was a marmoset.

He held the bars and blinked his old man’s eyes.

You said he knew us and took my arm and set

My fingers around the bars with coaxing mimicries

Of squeak and twitter. “Now he thinks you are

Another marmoset in a cage.” A proud denial

Set you to laughing, shutting back a question far

Into my mind, something enormous and final.

The question was unasked but there is an answer.

Sometimes in your sleeping face upon the pillow,

I would catch our own little truant unaware;

He had fled from our pain and the dark room of our rage,

But I would snatch him back from yesterday and tomorrow.

You wake, and I bruise my hand on the living cage.

Deception By Antonino Soria de Veyra


ten floors up
a lizard
at six o'clock
crawls down
every now
and then
along the
tree trunk
and kisses
the ground
loam of the
ten floors

Be Beautiful, Noble, Like The Antique Ant By Jose Garcia Villa

Be beautiful, noble, like the antique ant
Who bore the storms as he bore the sun,
Wearing neither gown nor helmet,
Though he was archbishop and soldier:
Wore only his own flesh.

Salute characters with gracious dignity:
Though what these are is left to
Your own terms. Exact: the universe is
Not so small but these will be found
Somewhere. Exact: they will be found.

Speak with great moderation: but think
With great fierceness, burning passion:
Though what the ant thought
No annals reveal, nor his descendants
Break the seal.

Trace the tracelessness of the ant,
Every ant has reached this perfection.
As he comes, so he goes,
Flowing as water flows,
Essential but secret like a rose.


Lyric 17 By Jose Garcia Villa

First, a poem must be magical,
Then musical as a seagull.
It must be a brightness moving
And hold secret a bird’s flowering
It must be slender as a bell,
And it must hold fire as well.
It must have the wisdom of bows
And it must kneel like a rose.
It must be able to hear
The luminance of dove and deer.
It must be able to hide
What it seeks, like a bride.
And over all I would like to hover
God, smiling from the poem’s cover.


Thursday, March 18, 2021

The Sick Rose by William Blake

O Rose thou art sick. 
The invisible worm, 
That flies in the night 
In the howling storm: 

Has found out thy bed
Of crimson joy:
And his dark secret love
Does thy life destroy.

Moonlight on Manila Bay By Fernando M. Maramag (1893 – 1936)

A light, serene, ethereal glory rests
Its beams effulgent on each crestling wave;
The silver touches of the moonlight wave
The deep bare bosom that the breeze molests;
While lingering whispers deepen as the wavy crests
Roll with weird rhythm, now gay, now gently grave;
And floods of lambent light appear the sea to pave-
All cast a spell that heeds not time‘s behests.
Not always such the scene; the din of fight
Has swelled the murmur of the peaceful air;
Here East and West have oft displayed their might;
Dark battle clouds have dimmed this scene so fair;
Here bold Olympia, one historic night,
Presaging freedom, claimed a people‘s care. 

Day on the Farm By Luis G. Dato

I've found you fruits of sweetest taste and found you

Bunches of duhat growing by the hill,

I've bound your arms and hair with vine and bound you

With rare wildflowers but you are crying still.

I've brought you all the forest ferns and brought you

Wrapped in green leaves cicadas singing sweet,

I've caught you in my arms an hour and taught you

Love's secret where the mountain spirits meet.

Your smiles have died and there is no replying

To all endearment and my gifts are vain;

Come with me, love, you are too old for crying,

The church bells ring and I hear drops of rain.

Order For Masks by Virginia Moreno

To this harlequinade

I wear black tight and fool’s cap

Billiken*, make me three bright masks

For the three tasks in my life.

Three faces to wear

One after the other

For the three men in my life.


When my Brother comes

make me one opposite

If he is a devil, a saint

With a staff to his fork

And for his horns, a crown.

I hope for my contrast

To make nil

Our old resemblance to each other

and my twin will walk me out

Without a frown

Pretending I am another.


When my Father comes

Make me one so like

His child once eating his white bread in trance

Philomela* before she was raped. I hope by likeness

To make him believe this is the same kind

The chaste face he made,

And my blind Lear* will walk me out

Without a word

Fearing to peer behind.


If my lover comes,

Yes, when Seducer comes

Make for me the face

That will in color race

The carnival stars

And change in shape

Under his grasping hands.

Make it bloody

When he needs it white

Make it wicked in the dark

Let him find no old mark

Make it stone to his suave touch

This magician will walk me out

Newly loved.

Not knowing why my tantalizing face

Is strangely like the mangled parts of a face

He once wiped out.


Make me three masks.



The Spouse by Luis Dato

 Rose in her hand, and moist eyes young with weeping,

She stands upon the threshold of her house,

Fragrant with scent that wakens love from sleeping,

She looks far down to where her husband plows.

Her hair dishevelled in the night of passion,

Her warm limbs humid with the sacred strife,

What may she know but man and woman fashion

Out of the clay of wrath and sorrow—Life?

She holds no joys beyond the day’s tomorrow,

She finds no worlds beyond her love’s embrace;

She looks upon the Form behind the furrow,

Who is her Mind, her Motion, Time and Space.

O somber mystery of eyes unspeaking,

O dark enigma of Life’s love forlorn;

The Sphinx beside the river smiles with seeking

The secret answer since the world was born.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Reaction: Breathe by Alessandra G.L. Gonzales

Different culture has a distinct peculiarity in terms of love and Filipino's must be hard to get. The're burdened by the roles form by their whereabouts and ties of what they think are obliged when it was not necessary. There is no such true love if you are being manipulated by parents and you are afraid to go beyond limitations. Explore and exploit try to get to know the person wholeheartedly without confusion and regrets. In my perspective maybe Katherine was too young to decide on her own and was just afraid that's why she decided to stay. It is a typical story in the modern days, a foreigner matched with a Filipina but rare to Filipino's. Always remember that chances only happen once, the second time around will be not the same as what you will expect and waited. 

-140 words

Reaction: Games by Noelle Q. De Jesus


The story was indeed interesting and suitable in the modern day with the innovation of technology, and how to manage a good relationship without lies and games. Women must really have higher instinct than men especially if they think their husband is doing something inappropriate. It may be good to investigate but always consider to be benevolent, what she did is a wrong move she was consumed by anger and jealousy she wasn't sure of. Until then she discovered that she was right then why all of the sudden she becomes weak and fragile.  There will always a good term for a good conversation, maybe honesty is one thing that the characters lack and led to betrayal. Never ever play a game if you do not know how to finish, its fiasco when you cook a fish in heavy fire.

-140 words

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Reaction: Of Fish, Flies, Dogs and Women

This story is indeed realistic in the way it was plotted. It shows how the norm of society exists. A feminist context depicting lives of women abused against detrimental hands of men. I see Maria just like my buttered mom from my late father, it is the exact reason why she did not leave him because of us her children. A good mother is a woman who knows how to sacrifice and forget herself for her children. Life is really unfair but when the darkest is all around, remember that there is you who can turn on the light. Only you can make things change, so there is no holding back for just and the right treatment to our maltreated neighbor. Let us help them open their eye in the reality and taught them have courage for the new beginning.  

-140 words

Reaction: Touchmove

It has a silver lining intention to readers especially to men who do not respect women. A wake-up call from luscious taste and wanton plans in life, indeed men are more dominating but must be more sensible to include the welfare of women especially nowadays that they still experience maltreatments. However, the story also shows that there were gentlemen who deserve to have a good wife, and I know that was more than those who need reconciliation. To parents who read this story please teach young men to have unconditional love for women undoubtedly. It is a game-changing story that needs realization and appreciation to move forward and eliminate the successive parade of issues towards women in society. This attitude of men must not be tolerated but justice can be less fatal if we have respect for women and positivity.

-140 words

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Reaction: The Use of Force

The story was tragic and biased in its context of showing the socio-economic issue concerning health welfare. This could possibly be viewed as a personal experience of the author or from a constituent since it is obvious that the storyline was manipulated, although it is a common situation infused with an exaggerated scenario. The message of the story was about the treatment of medical professionals to poor individuals, in the first place the doctor wouldn’t take risk if he is meticulous in choosing patients, only his attitude perpetuated the story. How come he does not know the proper procedure in dealing with young patients since it is their job to do so? If this will be a movie it can be a comedy or thriller. In the end, the doctor got what he wanted and indeed a good short story. 

-140 words

Monday, October 19, 2020


Thank you CamNorte and Mr. William for the 5th Voice-over project.. Godspeed Camrines Norte and yamburger YTC channel.

Friday, October 16, 2020



Visit Calaguas Paradise Resort.

A place of relaxation, rest, and tranquility to make your visit a safe and comfortable travel experience. 

This is my fourth voice-over project promoting an Island resort in Camarines Norte Province. 



Got my first Voice-Over project in GoCamNorte.


Calaguas Island - Camarines Norte


Sharing with you my third Voice-Over Project In GoCamNorte tourism of Camarines Norte.

Palanas Falls

Brgy. Pag-asa, Labo Camarines Norte

Proudly present to you my second video-edit and voice-over project for tourism in CamNorte. 


Top 5 Trivia | PHILIPPINES


Philippines | 101


The Purge Announcement


Filipino Music Video


Tigang ang Uhaw na Lupa


Interaksyunal | Tungkulin ng Wika


LSPU Santa Cruz Campus Tour 2019


KINESICS | Artifacts and Paralanguage


Friday, May 25, 2018

7 Health Care Principle


1. Autonomy or Self-Determination 

• Capacity to be one’s own person, make decisions on one’s own resources, and not be manipulated or dictated to by external forces. 


–Ability to act on the decision 

–Respect for the autonomy of others

2. Beneficence 

• Promote health for the patient above any other considerations. 

–Perform acts to help people stay healthy or recover from illness.

3. Nonmaleficence 

• The duty to “Do no harm.” 

–Technology has made this principle difficult to follow. 

–Many drugs and treatments have the power to heal but may also have serious side effects.

4. Confidentiality 

• Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) 


–Mandates privacy and confidentiality of medical records 

    • Health care professionals are in the most likely position to violate confidentiality rules.

5. Justice 

• What is due an individual 

–Many would argue that everyone is entitled to health care regardless of ability to pay for the care. 

–Others argue that people must take responsibility for their actions before assuming they can have justice. 

6. Role Fidelity 

• Being faithful to the scope of the services for which you are licensed 

• Health care practitioners have a specific scope of practice for which they are licensed. 

    –Practitioners must be true to their roles and not practice in an area in which they are not licensed.

7. Veracity 

• Truth-telling 

    –Has always had an ambiguous place in the health care practitioner’s world 

• Consider the role of placebos

Monday, December 18, 2017

"Born In The Trough"

Long lived the King!

Long been trailed by huntsman and ferreter,

A long journey that is already written and will never fade or die.

Breakthroughs after breakthrough, the prophecy will come true.

To others, it may come as strong omen,

While other’s thought of a curse coming into their lands.

Us who believe of his coming are in tears of joy.

Huzzah, the sound of love and mercy.

Don’t they know, when the doom will came

A light will shine in this land,

Water will cleanse its stains,

Fire will sterilize infirmity,

And the wind will heal those who are sick.

In the womb of his mother;

He is protected and covered by the cloak of love and purity.

The chosen one? No! He is sent from the neverwas to

Just to kiss our foot for our salvation.

The life of this man is hard as the rock from the mount sienna

And have most indecent natal day in the world history.

The world becomes beautiful when he was born in the trough.

The camels and the three kings, singing silently inside the barn.

When the cry of the baby was heard inside the trough.

The star becomes gold,

The sky becomes blue and

The water flows brilliantly like a shining diamonds.

Long lived the King!

Long been died in his human form,

But His Spirit stays in our heart.

We are the temples of our souls,

Dream that you were once born in the trough.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

"Donate Blood Save’s A Life"

Paulinian with a happy heart being able to help, donated their blood successfully.In part with the celebration of the Nurse’s Week, the College of Health and Sciences hold a whole day bloodletting activity held at the SPUS main campus clinic. The said activity was led by the CHS Faculty as well as the nursing students, coordinated with Caraga Regional Hospital for the bags of blood donated proceeds to CRH blood bank, also the procedure and operation of bloodletting activity is operated by the medical employees of that said guarantor. Paulinians who’d donated blood undergo first mini physical test prior to donation. The temperature will be checked along with the blood pressure, pulse, and hemoglobin if it is capable to donate blood. After all of these procedures, Paulinian again “marked difference” for donating blood not only helped in need people but saves a life.

Did you know that you burn about 650 calories when you donate a blood. Bloodletting is related to iron since our body need iron for a whole host of metabolic processes. Its primary function is to help carry oxygen from our lungs through the bloodstream and release it to the body where needed. It also helps enzymes in the body to detoxify poisons and convert sugars into energy but when you donate blood, you’re reducing the amount of iron in your body but don’t feel worried for the iron in the body will grow and survive.

It is really important to donate blood because blood cannot be manufacture by any company, the only way to supply this need is via generous blood donors. It helps balance Iron levels in your blood and appear to live longer. Repeated blood donations may help your blood to flow better, possibly helping to limit damage to the lining of your blood vessels, which should result in fewer arterial blockages. What is clear is that blood donors seem to not be hospitalized so often and if they are, they have shorter lengths to stay. Less likely to get heart attacks, strokes, and even cancers.

To sum up with the bloodletting program not only gathers blood donations but also promotes the health consciousness and lifestyle of every Paulinain as a responsible and different one.

“One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.”

Communication is a reservoir of understanding and learnings. A method of expressing ones thought, a transmission to reach another person through a receptive portal of entry (Auditory) and exits (Buccal). Though different culture and places speak different dialects, still we are able to communicate and show that we are one as united.

As we know speaking in public involves preparing, thinking, and acting confidently, also it needs attentive comprehension using one's language. A little bit of practice and a confident outlook can help you out to be a fantastic and effective public speaker.

How to improve ones’ public speaking skills? Here are the three essential methods.

First, do research about your listener’s interest and level of communication before engaging in any form of public speaking. Learning about your audiences can help you try to be able to answer their disputes and concerns regarding age, gender, education, religion, companionship and by that way you can easily verify what’s happening if you are an effective speaker.

Second, alter your horizons. You can see the chance to speak such compliments but always construct what you will be going to utter in an affirmative way. Always be careful with your words and hook the attention of your listeners so they will take heed attentively.

And lastly always remember that we learn more when we are having fun. You have the choice to break out silence and shine like a diamond, stay calm and smile confidently

"Life Made Gray"

I feel that life is a gift that I don’t deserve

while there are abundant beauty and infinite wonders.

It’s a like a painting you can stare at for hours,

once done makes unending embarks.

At least, certainly it seems to be that way

yet it creates the pain day by day.

But it exists in the realm, of its own true perdition,

when pacing of the parasites begins to swell

Why did heart’s blood flow, and no seers cried,

to a man who was beaten, and his humanity denied

That the innocence of her eyes that appeared wild

her soul took form and revealed her a child

Stop! Why do you have to say go when it was no?

They’re just images acted as the friend yet lived as foes.

Life suffers only in silence yet demands to be heard

it will never survive without its bevy of words.

“We believe that health and well-being of mind, body and spirit is a fundamental human right.”


2017 College of Health and Sciences is taking steps that will have an effect on the health and well-being of all who reside within the borders of St. Paul University Surigao, and of all Paulinian.  At this moment in history, we call upon nursing and psychology students to stand together, act to resist that which harms health and well-being, protect those who are harmed and provide a harmonious relationship that moves toward the ideals we seek.  We stand on a long legacy to actively promote health awareness to assure social/health equity. Our actions are grounded in the premise that health and well-being depend on healthy environments and just communities.

Students from College of Health and Sciences pledged to join with others to engage in determined action to protect the health and embracing all aspects of conscious and unconscious experiences, regardless of age, social/economic circumstance, religion, skin color, race, sexual orientation or gender identity.

As future nurses and psychologist, we are committed to providing care for all people – care that promotes and supports high-level wellness, prevention and treatment of injury, disease, behavior consciousness that may change the way you understand yourself and restoration of health when it is compromised.

Inspite of the fact that some progress has been obtaining and succeed in the field of health and nursing nowadays, there are still many people who do not put to practical use the services of nurses in times of their infirmity; and in order to fully develop consciousness and understanding among our people on the importance and availability of nursing resources in the country, it is essential that a period be set aside for the observance of the nursing profession; and so the nursing students of St. Paul University Surigao celebrates the nurse’s week from October 23-29, 2017.

Last October 23rd the celebration opened the nurse’s week by a ribbon cutting, go beyond the nurse’s EXPO that broadens and gave highlight information’s for all those Paulinians who’d joined that said event, held in front of the Administrative Office. On the second day a contest of an essay writing, painting, poster making and quizbowlevard happened, which was participated by each department concluded its completion as very accurate that satisfies the proficiency of those participating students. At night of the last day of the celebration at SPUS main gymnasium, a solidarity night was produced by the college and health sciences. The said momentous event was so electrifying sorted by the full package showcasing the talents of nursing and psychology students.

The Solidarity Night was an event to unify the Nursing and psychology students and the highlight of this event was to polish the feeling of togetherness united as one community and family that marked difference as a Paulinian Identity.

Also, a whole day bloodletting activity happened and was held at the SPUS main campus clinic. The bloodletting program not only gathers blood donations but also promotes the health consciousness and lifestyle of every Paulinian with a happy heart being able to help save lives through their donated blood.

The success of the celebration of the nurse’s week distinguished an important role of nurses play in health care emphasizes how important nurses are in our lives — at every age, in all health situations, recognizes the profession for their dedication and commitment to make St. Paul University Surigao a healthier institution